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kivadog - The Big Dog Shop has been born from the inspiration of living with our three boisterous and fun loving Dobermanns.


All of our products are chosen with the focus on Strength Quality Endurance Comfort and of course Style. We continue to sniff out products that are not only practical and strong but know how to survive the tougher and larger breeds.


Through experience with our own dogs we realised the need for products that are strong, tough and most importantly hard wearing. We were getting a little fed up with spending $25 on a new toy to have it end up in your lap 5 minutes later in 30 pieces. We constantly put our dogs and their canine friends through the rigors of testing our entire product range ensuring the products are made to withstand the lifestyle we as Big Dog owner demand.


The investment into our dogs is perhaps the most rewarding and justifiable action we will take; the amazing joy they bring to us, the inspiration they show us and the encouragement to get up and go that they provide us, is worthy of any prize.A healthy, happy dog is a healthy, happy person.


Snug As A Bug

Snug As A Bug

Our Price: $75.00

Plush Cushion

Plush Cushion

Our Price: $75.00

The Comfy Cone

The Comfy Cone

Our Price: $75.00

Kong Wobbler

Kong Wobbler

Our Price: $32.90

 Dry Collar - Orange

Dry Collar - Orange

Our Price: $21.00

Dogtra Bark Collar - YS500

Dogtra Bark Collar - YS500

Our Price: $179.00


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